Home Page

Contact Details


Mrs Jo Harding and Mrs Eleanor Williams


Main school office contact 

Mrs Sally Allen, School Business Manager


Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) 

Mrs Michaela Benson


Deputy DSL's

Mrs Jo Harding

Mrs Eleanor Williams

Miss Paige Hewett

Mrs Sally Wright


Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators (SENCo's)

Mrs Michaela Benson and Miss Paige Hewett


Should you wish to talk to a DSL or SENCO

Please contact the School Office- 01438 234400


If you would like a paper copy of any information on the school website please contact the office. This information will be provided free of charge.


Subject Access Requests:

The school office may be closed outside of term time. Any requests made during holidays may not be completed by our staff until the school reopens. This includes Subject Access Requests (SAR) under GDPR and Freedom of Information Requests. Due to the complexities of replying to such requests during the school holidays, we may need up to 2 months, although we will endeavour to complete it more quickly, and usually within the standard 30 days once we are satisfied with your identity and the school is open. If we need longer than this during term time, we will inform you. See for clarification of this information.

School Address


Letchmore Infants' and Nursery School
Letchmore Road



Telephone: 01438 234400



