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Curriculum Overview

The aim of the school is to provide a broad and balanced curriculum including the Foundation Stage curriculum for Reception and Nursery, and the National Curriculum for Years 1 and 2, which will enable children to develop intellectually, aesthetically, physically, socially, morally and spiritually.


The areas of study in the Foundation Stage, which lead to the achievement of the Early Learning Goals are:

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Literacy
  • Maths
  • Understanding of the World
  • Physical Development
  • Expressive Arts and Design
  • Communication and Literacy

The core subjects of the National Curriculum are English, Maths and Science.

The non-core subjects of the National Curriculum are History, Geography, Music, Art and Design, Design and Technology, Physical Education and Computing. The school also teaches Religious Education and Personal, Social and Health Education.


The school aims to provide first-hand learning experiences in which children are self-motivated and interested, through which they will acquire basic skills and each develop to their full potential. Particular emphasis is placed on children acquiring literacy and numeracy. A daily literacy and numeracy session takes place in each class.


The children's work is planned so that they may proceed at their own rate within their level of ability. On some occasions children gather as a class, or in groups, and on other occasions an individual approach will be taken.


The school gives regular homework to all Infant children, comprising daily reading and weekly Maths and English work. This is often of an oral or practical, rather than written nature.


Our approach to the curriculum complies with the duties in the Equality Act 2010 and the SEND Regulations 2014. For further information, please see our SEND report.


Please find specific information on what your child is learning under the Curriculum section for their year group and the long term plans.


There is also further information on each subject area in the Subject Journey section.


Please speak to your child's class teacher if there is any further information you would like about the curriculum being taught for their year group.
