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At Letchmore we understand the importance of nurturing the individual needs of each child and offering a safe, predictable, and consistent environment. As a school, we recognise that positive relationships are key to both learning and well-being. We work in partnership with families to support their child’s needs, remove any barriers and encourage positive home and school relationships.  


Within Letchmore we are passionate about continually updating and developing our Nurture and Inclusion provisions. Within our Nurture provision we follow the Letchmore Value of ‘Lets Inspire’ and embed our school vision to provide a magical, inclusive community where all feel valued, nurtured, and inspired to become lifelong learners.  


In 2020 we opened our first Nurture provision called ‘The Nest’, where we:                                



                                                Support and Build 


This is a safe place for identified children to experience Nurture breakfast and lunch, Pastoral interventions, family meetings and a breakout space for children in crisis to regulate. We have our own pets; Whisper the Guinea Pig and fishes which the children like to make up names for.  

In 2023 we have used some of our Pupil Premium Grant to run an additional space called ‘Treetops’. This will be used as a Nurture classroom for two days a week and an intervention space for 3 days. We have developed this space as we recognise that in the past few years, and after a global pandemic there has been a rise in Social, Emotional, Mental Health amongst children and young people; around 1 in 6 children.  


Nurture classrooms are designed to address the social and emotional needs that can impact on children’s learning and well-being.  Children accessing the Nurture classroom provision, will be assessed using the Boxall Profile which will identify their individual and specific needs. 


Welcome to Treetops which is a safe place where we build on our: 



                                              Equity and Education


                                              Togetherness and tolerance


                                              Pride and 

                                              Social skills











In addition, we would like to offer all children the opportunity to use Treetops throughout their time at Letchmore. This may be as part of our Nurture classroom, small group or 1:1 intervention or as a whole class story/activity.  


Please see our Nurture policy and video below for additional information that may answer some questions you have. 


If you do have any further queries regarding Nurture, please do contact us: or call 01438 234400. 


Miss Paige Hewett - Nurture teacher/KS1 SENCo/DDSL 

Mrs Sally Dukes – Nurture assistant/Pastoral Lead/DDSL 

Miss Natalie Grant – Nurture assistant/Pastoral assistant 
