Red Nose Day is on Friday 18 March, and we can't wait to get involved in the fun.
This year, we're joining schools up and down the UK to turn smiles into something incredible for those who need it most. We will be holding a non-uniform day and students can choose to wear something 'Superhero' themed if they would like to.
You can donate by following the link below or bring a cash donation to give to your teacher on the day-
Jo Harding is fundraising for Comic Relief (
However much you can spare, your donation will help tackle poverty, take action against violence and bring an end to discrimination in the UK and across the world.
We're fundraising for Red Nose Day because -
Don't forget to tick the Gift Aid option, if you can, so Comic Relief can claim an extra 25% from the government. From us and everyone at Comic Relief, thank you. You're wonderful.