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Year 1 Toy Inspirational Day

On Wednesday Year One had their first inspirational day of the year. They all looked fantastic as they arrived in school wearing their toy costumes.


During the day, the children visited each of the classrooms to complete different activities. 


In Greenfinch class the children heard a story about a family toy box. The toy box was full of toys from the past 100 years. The children were then given the opportunity to empty the toy box and play with the different toys.


In Chaffinch class the children watched a short video which took them back in time with Magic Grandad.  They visited 1870 and learnt all about the toys that children used to play with in the late Victorian period. They then made their own Victorian thaumatrope toy.


In Goldfinch class they listened to a story about some toys who come to life at night.  They then explored the ways different toys would move and created a toy dance.


Lots of fun was had throughout the day!
