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This week at Letchmore Infants' & Nursery School-

  • KS1 Sports Day

    Fri 19 May 2023

    On Friday our Key stage 1 children enjoyed their sports day which this year was held up at our link junior school Almond Hill.  We would like to extend our thanks to everyone at Almond Hill for being so accommodating and welcoming us all in.  Thankfully the weather held up and the children had a wonderful time taking part in a wide range of races including running, sack race, the egg and spoon.  It was lovely see lots of the parents and carers taking part in the parents races.  The children cheered particularly loudly for this.  The hotly contested teacher races were both won this year by Miss Luetchford our PE teacher closely followed by Mr Green.

  • Reception Inspirational Day- Explorers

    Wed 17 May 2023

    The children had a wonderful explorer’s day.


    They used their mapping skills during a scavenger hunt, excavated rocks by removing the chocolate chips from the cookie using cocktail sticks. They have explored using their senses of smell, taste and touch and have had great fun hunting for fossils and helping the dinosaurs escape. The children enjoyed exploring the Antarctic, space and the Jurassic world in our tuff trays.

  • Walk to School Week- 15-19 May 2023

    Thu 11 May 2023

    Walk to School Week- 15-19 May


    Walk to school week is coming up and we would like to encourage all our parents and students to get involved with getting active.  Belowyou can follow a link to an animation about how to get involved-


    With so many children leading sedentary lifestyles, it is so important to encourage active school journeys within our community which can help towards children achieving their recommended 60 minutes of activity every day.  With regular physical activity children improve cardiorespiratory fitness, build strong bones and muscles, control  weight and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.


    Everyday you child walks, scoots, rides or wheelchairs to school they will be able to record this in their class and at the end of the week we will announce which class was the most active!


    The George and Dragon pub at Graveley will be supporting our push for Walk to School     week by offering free children’s meals with each adult meal next Tuesday-Thursday.  Why not share a family walk after school!

  • Year 1 Dinosaur Inspirational Day

    Thu 04 May 2023

    On Wednesday morning, some mysterious eggs were discovered in the Year One playground.  Everybody was mystified as to where they came from!  The children were greeted by some gigantic muddy footprints outside of the classrooms and a rather large dinosaur Poo! 


    Throughout the day, the Year One children used their scientific knowledge to find out which dinosaur they belonged to. 


    Judging by the size of the footprints we first estimated that the dinosaur was about 9 metres long!  We then had to use our maths skills to measure out 9 metres in the playground and see which dinosaur it could have been.  We narrowed it down to two dinosaurs: a ferocious looking Carnivore called Carnotaurus, or a plant-eating Triceratops.  


    Exhausted by all their investigations, the children went back to class and had a dino-biscuit snack.  Next they had to examine a big pile of dinosaur poo!  Upon closer inspection it seemed the mystery dinosaur had been eating plants and seeds, so the children decided that it was a Triceratops! 

     The teachers then checked the CCTV footage from the playground and were shocked to see that a Triceratops had indeed been roaming about in the school and outside Mrs Pratt’s classroom.   


    In the afternoon the dinosaur eggs hatched and three baby triceratops made their way to the Year 1 classrooms. We have named our dinosaurs and are going to look after them until their mother returns. 

  • Coronation Day Plans

    Tue 02 May 2023
